Product Center
V8 Networked Multifunction Receiver
The V8 is the eighth generation of receiver technology developed by Phoenix since 1975.
The V8 builds upon many of the most attractive features of the highly successful Phoenix V5,
V6A, and System 2000, including permanent GPS synchronization and light weight.
The V8 has 3 magnetic channels and 3 electric channels. The magnetic channels can be
assigned either to standard magnetic sensors or to TDEM sensors. The V8 can operate in stand-alone mode (usually for AMT and MT). In addition, it can serve as the hub of a local network of auxiliary 3-channel (3E) data acquisition units, which communicate with the V8 by wireless or optional cable. All recording units are permanently synchronized to GPS time and are optimized to operate with transmitters similarly synchronized and controlled by the RXU-TMR auxiliary unit. No cable links are required between the networked recording units, or between receivers and the RXU-TMR/ transmitter pair.
Summary Specifications
Channels 3 Magnetic 3 Electric Unlimited number of optional 3-channel auxiliary units (RXU-3)
Frequency Range 10 000Hz to 0.00005Hz (20 000s)
- Flexible, adaptable configurations
- Lightweight, highly portable
- Operates –20°C to +50°C
- No cable links required between network units or transmitter
- Cable or wireless link to local network of auxiliary units
- GPS-synchronized to transmitter and local network